It’s a fight we cannot lose it’s a fight for you and me A fight for everyone no matter where you're from It’s alright we will not lose it’s alright for you and me We're fighting for a better place to be It’s a fight we cannot lose it’s a figh...
It’s a fight we cannot lose it’s a fight for you and me A fight for everyone o matter where you're from It’s alright we will not lose it’s alright for you and me We're fighting for a better place to be It’s a fight we cannot lose it’s a fight...
Based>"If You're Happy and You Know It" ★歌词 ★ 出门在外你要记得戴口罩 勤点洗手病菌见你都会跑 发现自己咳嗽发热还会打喷嚏 一定马上去医院就医 家里通风记得要开窗户 带上口罩正反两面分清楚 不要以为“葛优躺”就万事大吉 多做运动提高免疫力 ...
And Don't Forget The Little Things 给你。享受小小的快乐吧。 Giving Is Loving 我一直想送花给你,但我不忍心摘下它们。 It's Okay To Shed A Past - 为什么你一定要蜕皮呢? - 因为有...
34. Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. 笑得和呼吸一样多,爱得像活得一样久。 35. Can you give me a hug the next time I see you. 下次见你可以抱一下吗。 36. I can do am not many,but you need time,I always...
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